Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Remaking the Economy: Escaping Corporate Capture – Non Profit News


What is “corporate capture” and how can people escape its effects—in our politics, our culture, our daily life, and in the nonprofit sector? How do people, in short, build an actual everyday politics and economics of liberation?

This was the organizing question for the summer 2024 issue of Nonprofit Quarterly. To addresses this question and expand upon their contributions, four authors from NPQ’s summer economic justice magazine explore the concept of corporate capture and how movement-based groups can build viable escape routes to advance economic justice.

Participating in the webinar conversation are the following people:

Kali Akuno is the cofounder and executive director of Cooperation Jackson, based in Jackson, Mississippi.

Hannah Appel is cofounder of the Debt Collective, a professor of anthropology, and associate director of the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy, based in Los Angeles, California.

Arlene Martinez is deputy executive director of Good Jobs First, based in Washington, DC.

Sara Myklebust is research director for Bargaining for the Common Good, based at Georgetown University’s Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor in Washington, DC.

This webinar explores:

  • What do we mean by corporate capture? How does it affect economic justice work?
  • How can debtors organize to build power and restrain the power of banks and financial institutions?
  • How can communities organize effectively to limit corporate tax breaks?
  • How can workers and labor unions leverage trillions of worker pension dollars to advance an economy that prioritizes the common good?
  • How does one build a solidarity economy on the ground?
  • What does it look like to transform racial capitalism? What are points of leverage and how do we engage for the long haul?
  • What is the role of cultural change in economic change work?
  • What are the democratic economic structures that people want and need—and are worth fighting for?


Kali Akuno, “Building a Solidarity Economy in the South (and Beyond)—Cooperation Jackson,” NPQ, September 4, 2024.

Steve Dubb and Rithika Ramamurthy, “Corporate Capture—Can We Find a Way Out?NPQ, July 31, 2024.

Arlene Martinez and Greg LeRoy, “Corporate Economic Blackmail and What to Do about It,” NPQ, August 7, 2024.

Sara Myklebust, Bahar Tolou and Stephen Lerner, “Whose Capital? Our Capital! The Power of Workers’ Pensions for the Common Good,” NPQ, July 31, 2024.

Astra Taylor and Hannah Appel, “They Need Us More Than We Need Them—The Power of Debtor Organizing,” NPQ, August 7, 2024.


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