Friday, January 31, 2025

AI-Generated Content Creates Fundraising Creativity

You want your organization to be seen as a trusted thought leader, and a go-to resource for your donors and your community. You need stakeholders to be and to feel engaged, to know that they are part of a significant movement. And, you want the content you develop to combat myths and misconceptions regarding your cause.

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about the path to those ideas. That was the focus of a session “How Fundraisers Can Save Time and Spur Creativity with AI-Driven Content” during the Bridge To Integrated Fundraising And Marketing Conference in National Harbor, Maryland. The session speakers were Julia Campbell, MPA of the Nonprofit Nation podcast and Josh Hirsch, MS, senior strategist of Soukup Strategic Solutions.

The session covered the elements of a robust content strategy, how to use generative AI to save time and increase creativity and free tools.

You think you’re a content creator but, you’re really a connection-maker. That’s the primary reason for the content. It is also not to create “reach” but rather resonance. The whole point is to get people to care about the issues, to get people to like and trust the organization.

“We know that the old ways no longer work. To stand out, you have to consistently create and share relevant, timely, and meaningful content with our donors, across multiple platforms and channels,” Campbell told the audience. Instead of “pitching” and “promoting” your services and your organization, you are providing truly relevant and useful content to your prospects and supporters to help them:

* Learn more about a problem they care about

* Help solve a problem they care about

* Advocate for a problem they care about

* What problem do they care about? 

There’s five parts to a content marketing framework, according to Campbell. They include:

* Purpose and Goals: Why are you creating content/ What value does it provide?

* Audience: For whom are you creating content and how will they benefit?

* Story: What specific, unique, and valuable ides will you build your ides around?

* Process and Platforms: How will you structure the content creation and share the content with your audience:

* Measurement and Analysis: How will you gauge performance and continually improve your content marketing efforts:

There is no one size fits all in the digital space, not that there ever was, but even less so now.  So instead of thinking about an all-encompassing “social media” strategy, you really need to adopt a Twitter strategy, and a Facebook strategy, and an Instagram strategy, a LinkedIn strategy, and beyond, according to the speakers. 

This is why it is crucial to get very clear regarding your capacity and what you can realistically add to your already-full plate. This is where technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI) comes into play.

“Generative AI is a great way to brainstorm ideas, revise and recycle your existing content, look at your marketing data for trends, and save time on your content creation process,” said Hirsch. 

AI tools, many of them free, save time which increases productivity. For example, ChatGPT can help data analysis, research, synthesize complicated and complex ideas, and summarize long documents such as annual reports, grant reports, research papers.

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